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Summer League

Summer League

Starts week of May 27th
High School and Jr High Boys and Girls
Play at Mifflin County Middle School in Lewistown


Who is Invited: 

High School and Jr High Boys and Girls Teams.

·         Season takes place June and July (season starting week of May 27th)

·         Girls play majority of games on Tuesday evenings from 5:30pm-7:30pm (some may be played Thursdays)

·         Boys play majority of games on Wednesday evenings from 5:30pm-7:30pm (some may be played Thursdays)

·         Eight game schedule (6 games guaranteed; postponed games will tried to be made up based on teams and field availability)

·         Games played at Mifflin County Middle School (2 Manor Drive, Lewistown, PA 17044)

·         Two divisions will be offered Jr High & High School.  Jr High consists of 6-8 grade players. High School consists of incoming freshman and current Freshman-Juniors.

How It Benefits Your Team:

·          Prepares players for upcoming high school season; allows players to stay together during off season

·         Offers a high level of competition with matches between teams that may meet again during school season

Team Cost:

·         On or Before April 17, 2023 - $350 per team (i.e., estimate 15 players per team, that is approx. $23 per player** )

·         After April 17, 2023 - $395 per team (i.e., estimate 15 players per team, that is approx. $26 per player** )

·         Certified Referees provided for each game

         **Number of players per team left up to coaches/teams, no min or max required


All FIFA rules apply except the following:

·         games are 2 x 25 minute halves (3-5 minute half time)

·         6 field players and 1 GK (GK must wear different color than both teams)

·         home team is listed first (supplies soccer ball and kicks off 1st half)

·         away team is listed second (kicks off 2nd half)

·         no off-side

·         unlimited subs (at any stoppage of play; refs discretion)

·         ref may add additional breaks due to heat

·         must have 5 players to start game

·         GKs can’t punt/drop kick ball/side volley (ball must roll approximately one rotation (ref’s discretion) to be legally kicked)

·         Goal kicks can’t land in opposite penalty area (violation starts with restart at mid-field line-center dot)

·         All restarts are indirect except corners and penalty kicks.

·         2023 graduates are unable to play.

For more information regarding the game series, contact Barrett Knepp at  Registration due by Friday, May 12, 2023.  

PLEASE NOTE:  Your roster can be changed throughout season